"BLACKPOOL KITTEL" (Responsible for at least 87 x 1st)



He's responsible for at least 87 x 1st prize-winners throughout the UK!

"BLACKPOOL KITTEL" is a DIRECT SON of the world famous "KITTEL" cock. Bred and raced by Dirk Van Den Bulck and now owned by The Flanders Collection.   

Interestingly though, the mother of "BLACKPOOL KITTEL" is "SAGANNA" - absolute top class breeding hen.


is the G.Dam of "THE SAGAN DYNASTY" of Patrick Boeckx

Her offspring include

"SAGAN" 1st National Ace Speed Old Birds and Yearlings KBDB 2013

"SAGANNE 1" - 1st 2,061 birds, 2nd 2,121 birds etc

"SAGANNE 2" - 1st 2,121 birds, 2nd 1,863 birds etc

As you can see as "BLACKPOOL KITTEL" is a DIRECT SON of

"KITTEL" x "SAGANNA" we have nothing but KBDB Champions running through his veins!

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